HISTORY   Take me back to 2013!  
in 2013, a team of students built a pretty impressive game in record time.
they got featured in national television, newspapers, and they even got a great grade!

Gravity forge is a platform game whose main concept is the ability to change the direction of gravity. this forces the player to think differently from the way that you're used to, making the game more interesting.

unfortunately, it was built in flash (while flash was already dying), so now it's almost like it's retro!

in 2021, the website was brought back to life with magic, as well as a couple of tweaks here and there...so here we are!

go ahead and click the "take me back to 2013" button. you know you want it!
bruno caceiro


(Where art thou?)
joao oliveira


Founder, professional developer. One of the few in the world who knows Haskel.
joaquim mendes


Founder, professional developer. Loves to hate work.
joao simoes


Programmer. Singer. What doesn't he do?
leonardo toledo


Professional Developer. Tourist. #Azoreanbytheworld
david cardoso


Professional developer. Still kickin' ass at being cool.